Tuesday, December 28, 2010

From Rhett to Scarlett...

Hi L,

Whoosh! There it is again…they are afraid of us. Is it the cunt with teeth thing again?

I wish I could, tonight at any rate, have some sympathy for this, but after you mentioned that the men want to start commenting again I got ferocious.

You and I agreed that the idea of men’s ideas permeating our space often kept us from the level of honesty (in our search to understand and live in our experiences of the world as women who are looking at (for?) the problems in living in the world of men) that we needed to write.

And that line was what caused some of the consternation last time. Men don’t want to be hated by women.

We have misunderstood; not all men are bad. Sheesh. Fine.

The fact is (may be?) that women are pretty much still hated in this world. Maybe not the way it appears in the US but globally I think the evidence is there to support this.

I don’t think all men hate women; frankly, tonight, right now, I could give a shit.

I just want the women who don’t see this, and the young women who may be oblivious, and the girls who are not told, to have this alternative message: men don’t necessarily see you: as a person rather than a body, as a viable living creature with an agenda of your own, as someone with power, as someone with the right to not give a shit about men.

The birth of the “mean girl” was a long time in coming in my day. I support the right for them to exist; it is still against the law to rape, harass, stalk, or murder them whether they are cock teasers, experiencing the power of their sexuality for the first time(s) or bad fucking dressers.

And how are you? : ) LOL